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Англо-русский политический словарь - star


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Перевод с английского языка star на русский



1) звезда; знаменитость; идол

2) брит. тюремн. жарг. "звезда" (заключенный, впервые отбывающий срок)

Stars and Stripesrising star

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См. в других словарях

  standard (instrument) arrival ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  Chamber hist. Звездная палата STAR connection electr. соединение звездой STAR gazer наблюдающий за звездами; joc. звездочет STAR shell mil. осветительный снаряд STAR turn главный номер программы STAR  1. noun  1) звезда; светило; fixed stars - неподвижные звезды  2) звезда, ведущий актер или актриса; выдающаяся личность; literary star - известный писатель; soccer star - знаменитый футболист  3) typ. звездочка  4) что-л., напоминающее звезду; звездочка (белая отметина на лбу животного)  5) судьба, рок; to have ones star in the ascendant - преуспевать; to thank/bless ones stars - благодарить судьбу stars and stripes - государственный флаг США I saw stars - у меня искры посыпались из глаз  2. adj.  1) звездный  2) выдающийся; великолепный; ведущий; star witness - главный свидетель  3) star system theatr. - труппа с одним, двумя первоклассными актерами и слабым ансамблем  3. v.  1) украшать звездами  2) отмечать звездочкой  3) играть главные роли, быть звездой; to star in the provinces - гастролировать в провинции в главных ролях  4) предоставлять главную роль ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. звезда shooting star —- метеор, падающая звезда the North (the Polar) star —- Полярная звезда diurnal star, star of day (of noon) —- дневное светило, солнце 2. Полярная звезда 3. звезда (фигура) a five-point star —- пятиконечная звезда 4. полигр. звездочка 5. звездочка, звезда (знак различия) a general's star —- генеральская звезда a star on a shoulder-strap —- звездочка на погоне 6. звезда (знак отличия) Silver S. —- Серебряная Звезда (орден) 7. спец. звезда star of planes —- мат. связка плоскостей 8. пятно, отметина, звездочка (на лбу животного) 9. звезда, ведущий актер или актриса; премьер; премьерша; кинозвезда Hollywood stars —- голливудские звезды opera star —- дива 10. выдающаяся личность, светило literary star —- знаменитый писатель 11. ам. спорт. чемпион tennis star —- звезда тенниса 12. судьба, рок, звезда to be born under a lucky star —- родиться под счастливой звездой to bless one's stars —- благодарить судьбу to foretell future events by the stars —- предсказывать судьбу по звездам to read stars —- заниматься астрологией the stars were against it —- сама судьба была против этого his star is evidently setting —- его звезда явно заходит he is through with his star —- удача ему изменила, фортуна повернулась к нему спиной 13. юр. заключенный, совершивший преступление впервые (также star prisoner) 14. прикуп...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) цитол. звезда 2) звезда, звёздочка, пятно, отметина (на лбу у животного) 3) морская звезда; pl морские звёзды (Asteroidea) – basket stars – blazing star – brittle stars – crescent star – cushion star – daughter star – earth star – feather star – golden star – sea stars – serpent stars – shooting star – sun star – woodland star ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) общ. звезда 2) "звезда" а) эк. (обозначение быстрорастущего направления деятельности или товара с большой долей рынка, которые зачастую требуют серьезного инвестирования для поддержания их быстрого роста) See: "Boston matrix, "cash cow, "dog, "venture capital б) бирж. (в техническом анализе - свеча с маленьким телом (любого цвета), которая образует ценовой разрыв с предшествующей свечой, обладающей большим телом, разрыв между телами свечей - главное условие образования звезды) See: technical analysis, candle, candle body ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) звезда 2) звездный 3) звездочка 4) отметина 5) разветвленный 6) светило 7) связка boundedly reducible star body — ограниченно приводимое звездное тело mixed star tree — смешанное звездчатое дерево photoelectric star photometer — звездный электрофотометр principal star domain — главная звездная область star dust feeder — барабанный пылепитатель star tracking device — астрон. астроориентатор - Wolf-Rayet star - acyclic star - barycentric star - binary star - circumpolar star - circumscribed star - closed star - combinatorial star - comparison star - covering star - dwarf star - eutactic star - five-point star - function star - fundamental star - guide star - ideal star - inscribed star - open star - oriented star - peculiar star - pertaining to star - rectilinear star - star algebra - star azimuth - star body - star complex - star connection - star convergence - star convexity - star cover - star crack - star domain - star edge - star feeder - star finite - star functor - star graph - star honeycomb - star lattice - star normal - star of complex - star of planes - star of point - star of representation - star of set - star of simplex - star of vertex - star operator - star pentagon - star polygon - star polyhedron - star property - star refinement - star region - star set - star tesselation - star topology - star tracker - star tracking - star tree - symmetric star - ten-day star - time star - variable star ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) соединение типа "звезда" 2) звездообразная сеть (связи) – broadband integrated distributed star – radio star ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) звезда 2) звёздочка (1. знак сноски 2. в барабане для очистки отливок 3. на поверхности рафинированного штейна) - assembler star STAR сокр. от standard terminal arrival route стандартный маршрут входа в зону аэродрома ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a celestial body appearing as a luminous point in the night sky. 2 (in full fixed star) such a body so far from the earth as to appear motionless (cf. PLANET, COMET). 3 a large naturally luminous gaseous body such as the sun is. 4 a celestial body regarded as influencing a person's fortunes etc. (born under a lucky star). 5 a thing resembling a star in shape or appearance. 6 a star-shaped mark, esp. a white mark on a horse's forehead. 7 a figure or object with radiating points esp. as the insignia of an order, as a decoration or mark of rank, or showing a category of excellence (a five-star hotel; was awarded a gold star). 8 a a famous or brilliant person; the principal or most prominent performer in a play, film, etc. (the star of the show). b (attrib.) outstanding; particularly brilliant ( star pupil). 9 (in full star connection) Electr. a Y-shaped arrangement of three-phase windings. 10 = star prisoner. --v. (starred, starring) 1 a tr. (of a film etc.) feature as a principal performer. b intr. (of a performer) be featured in a film etc. 2 (esp. as starred adj.) a mark, set, or adorn with a star or stars. b put an asterisk or star beside (a name, an item in a list, etc.). Phrases and idioms my stars! colloq. an expression of surprise. star-apple an edible purple apple-like fruit (with a starlike cross-section) of a tropical evergreen tree, Chrysophyllum cainito. Star Chamber Brit. Law 1 hist. a court of civil and criminal jurisdiction noted for its arbitrary procedure, and abolished in 1640. 2 any arbitrary or oppressive tribunal. star-crossed archaic ill-fated. star fruit = CARAMBOLA. star-gaze 1 gaze at or study the stars. 2 gaze intently. star-gazer 1 colloq. usu. derog. or joc. an astronomer or astrologer. 2 Austral. sl. a horse that turns its head when galloping. star of Bethlehem any of various plants with starlike flowers esp. Ornithogalum umbellatum with white star-shaped flowers striped with green on the outside (see Matt. 2:9). Star of David a figure consisting of two interlaced equilateral...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English sterre, from Old English steorra; akin to Old High German sterno ~, Latin stella, Greek aster, astron  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a natural luminous body visible in the sky especially at night  b. a self-luminous gaseous spheroidal celestial body of great mass which produces energy by means of nuclear fusion reactions  2.  a.  (1) a planet or a configuration of the planets that is held in astrology to influence one's destiny or fortune — usually used in plural  (2) a waxing or waning fortune or fame her ~ was rising  b. obsolete destiny  3.  a. a conventional figure with five or more points that represents a ~; especially asterisk  b. an often ~-shaped ornament or medal worn as a badge of honor, authority, or rank or as the insignia of an order  c. one of a group of conventional ~s used to place something in a scale of value  4. something resembling a ~ was hit on the head and saw ~s  5.  a. the principal member of a theatrical or operatic company who usually plays the chief roles  b. a highly publicized theatrical or motion-picture performer  c. an outstandingly talented performer a track ~  d. a person who is preeminent in a particular field  • ~less adjective  • ~like adjective  II. verb  (~red; ~ring)  Date: 1718  transitive verb  1. to sprinkle or adorn with ~s  2.  a. to mark with a ~ as being preeminent  b. to mark with an asterisk  3. to feature in the most prominent or important role the movie ~s a famous stage personality  intransitive verb  1. to play the most prominent or important role  2. to perform outstandingly  III. adjective  Date: 1821  1. of, relating to, or being a ~ received ~ billing  2. of outstanding excellence ; preeminent a ~ athlete ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (stars, starring, starred) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A star is a large ball of burning gas in space. Stars appear to us as small points of light in the sky on clear nights. The night was dark, the stars hidden behind cloud. N-COUNT see also morning star, shooting star 2. You can refer to a shape or an object as a star when it has four, five, or more points sticking out of it in a regular pattern. Children at school receive coloured stars for work well done. N-COUNT 3. You can say how many stars something such as a hotel or restaurant has as a way of talking about its quality, which is often indicated by a number of star-shaped symbols. The more stars something has, the better it is. ...five star hotels. N-COUNT 4. Famous actors, musicians, and sports players are often referred to as stars. ...Gemma, 41, star of the TV series Pennies From Heaven... By now Murphy is Hollywood’s top male comedy star... Not all football stars are ill-behaved louts. N-COUNT: oft supp N 5. If an actor or actress stars in a play or film, he or she has one of the most important parts in it. The previous year Adolphson had starred in a play in which Ingrid had been an extra... VERB: V in n 6. If a play or film stars a famous actor or actress, he or she has one of the most important parts in it. ...a Hollywood film, The Secret of Santa Vittoria, directed by Stanley Kramer and starring Anthony Quinn. VERB: V n 7. Predictions about people’s lives which are based on astrology and appear regularly in a newspaper or magazine are sometimes referred to as the stars. There was nothing in my stars to say I’d have travel problems! = horoscope N-PLURAL ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »IN THE SKY« a burning mass of gases in space that can be seen at night as a point of light in the sky  (I lay on my back and looked up at the stars.)  (- see also falling star, shooting star) 2 »PERFORMER« a) a famous and successful performer in entertainment or sport  (film/movie star)  (There were pictures of film stars all over the walls. | pop star (=famous popular music singer) | big star (=very famous performer))  (By the age of twenty she was already a big star. | star quality (=something that makes you seem special, and likely to be a star) | rising star (=someone who is becoming successful and famous))  (a rising star in the music world) b) someone who acts the part of the main character in a film or play  (The star of his next movie was an unknown young actress. | the star part (=the most important part in a film or play) | child star (=a child who has an important part in a film) | the star of the show (=the person who gives the best performance in a play, film etc))  (- see also star2) 3 »SHAPE« a) a shape with four or more points which is supposed to look like a star in the sky  (A five-pointed star is called a pentagram.)  (- see picture at shape1) b) a mark in this shape, used to draw attention to something written; asterisk c) a piece of cloth or metal in this shape, worn to show someone's rank or position 4 »HOTELS/RESTAURANTS« a mark used in a system for judging the quality of hotels and restaurants  (three-star/four-star/five-star)  (a two-star bed and breakfast) 5 the stars a) informal a horoscope (=description of what will happen to you in the future) that is printed in newspapers or magazines  (read your stars)  (I never read my stars - I don't believe any of it anyway.) b) literary a force that controls what will happen in the future; fate (2)  (written in the stars (=decided by this))  (- see also star­crossed) 6 »SUCCESSFUL PERSON« informal someone who is particularly successful at a job, course of study etc  (I was the star of my village because I won a place at the...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  onc. abbr. Sharing Treatment And Recovery lab. abbr. Study Of Tamoxifen And Raloxifene physiol. abbr. Specialised Trauma Air Response physiol. abbr. Steps Towards Allergy Relief physiol. abbr. Strategic And Tactical Axiomatic Response environ. abbr. Sustainable Technologies And Renewables U.S. gov. abbr. Scientific And Technical Advisory Reviewer U.S. gov. abbr. Stop Tobacco Accomplishments Report transport. abbr. Standard Terminal Arrival Route transport. abbr. Simplified And Transparent Administration Of Registration mil. abbr. Simulation in Training for Advanced Readiness mil. abbr. Situation Task Action Result mil. abbr. System Threat Assessment Report mil. abbr. Standard Threat Assessment Report mil. abbr. Service Tradition Awards Recognition ocean sc. abbr. Joint CCOP/ SOPAC-IOC Working Group on South Pacific Tectonics and Resources univ. abbr. Smart Technology For Academic Rewards univ. abbr. Scottish Technology And Research univ. abbr. Student Tracking Admissions And Registration univ. abbr. Science To Achieve Results univ. abbr. Student Telephone Assisted Registration univ. abbr. Strategically Targeted Academic Research univ. abbr. Science Technology And Research univ. abbr. Student Team About Results univ. abbr. Solenoidal Tracker At Rhic univ. abbr. Strategies And Techniques For Academic Reinforcement univ. abbr. Students Teaching Arithmetic And Reading univ. abbr. Satellite Transmitted Academic Resources univ. abbr. Students Taking Action And Responsibility electron. abbr. Simultaneous transmitted and reflected softw. abbr. Software Technology For Action And Reflection educ. abbr. Striving To Achieve Results educ. abbr. Standardized Test For Assessment Of Reading educ. abbr. Skill Talent And Achievement Recognition educ. abbr. Success Through Academic Readiness educ. abbr. Students That Are Ready educ. abbr. Support Training Advocacy And Resources educ. abbr. Student Teacher Achievement Recognition educ. abbr. Students Taught Awareness And Resistance educ. abbr. Statewide Training For...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. steorra, from P.Gmc. *sterson, from PIE *ster-. The sense of "perform the lead part" (said of actors, singers, etc.) first recorded 1824. Starlight is c.1380; starfish first attested 1538; star-gazer is from 1560; starlet in Hollywood sense first recorded 1920. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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